All International Women's Day articles
‘What International Woman’s Day means to me as a woman of faith’
‘There’s much that Christian women can do to live out the IWD theme. We must be advocates for vulnerable, disadvantaged women and those denied their rights. We must promote equality – reminding women that they are made in the image of God, that they are fearfully and wonderfully made and they have a part to play in God’s created world,’ says Marcia Dixon.
‘It’s my daughter’s 7th birthday on International Women’s Day and I want her to be exposed to amazing women who have inspired me throughout history’
‘This year’s theme for International Women’s Day particularly excites me in that it’s inclusive of all ages, as I believe we’re never too young to receive truth. Reinforcement of sound doctrine is essential in an age of cultural promiscuity where the boundaries of identity are disputed,’ says Hannah Wickens.
A league of extraordinary women
Here at Woman Alive, we celebrate every woman in every issue (this includes you!) and as part of our International Women’s Day issue, we’ve chosen eight ‘ordinary’ women to recognise for their inspirational workplace ministries
‘Sisterhood’ is not just a label that ties together a group of women in a 90s sitcom!
Hannah Stephenson-Kelly writes about the gift of having sisters, and brings to mind the sisters Jesus knew - Mary and Martha.
Tears of gold - why women’s stories matter
Claire Musters listened to stories of women in Iraq, Kurdistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria through paintings and photography. ”We weren’t just hearing about these women, but seeing them too,” she said, and explains why that was so significant.
AI responds to questions on workplace discrimination for International Women's Day
A UK based tech-for-good company is celebrating International Women’s Day by giving free access to its AI chatbot trained on the UK Equality Act. Here’s what that means for women in the workplace…
Mothers were giving birth by torchlight until we installed fully lit waiting huts for pregnant women
Dr Freda Wemin, Founder of Mama Waiting Hut initiative in Papua New Guinea, explained the value of designated spaces for women before and after birth.
In Nepal we go big when celebrating International Women’s Day and you should too
Here, Anna Townsend, director of charity Women Without Roofs explains why Nepali women take marking the day dedicated to women very seriously.
There’s a new audio version of the NIV Bible with only women’s voices - for a very specific reason
On International Women's Day the first ever all-female audio version of the NIV Bible is launched - to show women that their voices matter.
Should churches mark International Women’s Day or would it go against God’s teaching that we’re created equal?
Tomorrow is International Women’s Day and here, writer Claudine Roberts, asks if it is an event we should be celebrating in the Church.
This International Women’s Day we celebrate the women who have inspired and influenced our lives
The Woman Alive team share a tribute to the women that have shaped them as we celebrate women around the world.